

在UV固化應用設備方面,依照光源特性分類成兩大系統:UV汞燈/金鹵燈及UV LED。


UV LED:具有單一的波長,可依照LED晶粒製作特定波長的UV光源。其優點是溫度較低, 燈源可即開即關無須閘門機構,且燈源壽命較長。但由於波長太單一,對於某些UV膠材固化效果較差,故如採用UV LED光源, 多數會以混和波段組合。

UV光譜能量計 量測UV光源 功能介面:

P牌低壓18W 365nm汞燈規格書內波長圖譜與能量對應圖




  • 每台量測儀器出廠皆有出廠前完整量測報告
  • 儀器出廠報告分別在UV-A/B/C三波段做出廠前校正與確認
  • 日後回廠儀器校正也具備完整的可追溯性

UV100N 規格

Handheld UV Spectrometer

Sensor CMOS Linear Image Sensor
Wavelength Range 250 to 430 nm
Wavelength Data Increment 1 nm
Spectral Bandwidth Approximately 1nm (Half Bandwidth)
Wavelength Reproducibility ± 0.5 nm
Measurement Range UVA*1,4: 315 to 430nm / 0.25 to 500 mW/cm2
UVB*2,4: 280 to 315nm / 0.3 to 200 mW/cm2
UVC*3,4: 250 to 280nm / 0.2 to 300 mW/cm2
Accuracy ± 5% (10 to 500 mW/cm2)
± 19% (0.2 to 10 mW/cm2)
Stray Light -25 dB max. *5
Integration Time Range 1 ms to 2,000 ms
Digital Resolution 16 bits
Capture Function One time / Continuous
Operation Mode Standalone
Integration Mode Auto / Manual
Dark Calibration Auto
Measuring Modes
  1. Basic Mode
  2. Spectrum Mode
  3. Logging Mode
  4. Browser Mode
  5. Option Mode
Measuring Capabilities
  1. Spectral Irradiance (mW/m2, mW/cm2)
  2. Joul (mJ/ cm2)
  3. Peak Wavelength (λp)
  4. Peak Wavelength Value (λpV)
  5. Integration Time (I-Time)
  6. UVA Peak Wavelength (λa-p)
  7. UVA Peak Wavelength Value (λa-v)
  8. UVB Peak Wavelength (λb-p)
  9. UVB Peak Wavelength Value (λb-v)
  10. UVC Peak Wavelength (λc-p)
  11. UVC Peak Wavelength Value (λc-v)
System Configurations:
Display 4.3" 800X480 Capacitive Touch LCD
Max. Files ≒ 68,000 Files @ 8GB SD Card(Excel)
Battery Operation Time ≦ 4 hours / Fully Charged
Power Adapter; 3200 mAh(3.7V Rechargeable Li-ion Battery)
Data Output Interface MicroSD Card(SD2.0,SDHC / up to 32G)
Data Format Compatible Excel
Operating Temperature / Humidity 0 to 35 ℃, relative humidity 70% or less without condensation
Storage Temperature / Humidity -10 to 40 ℃, relative humidity 70% or less without condensation

*1:Processing the test under the 365nm LED light source.
*2:Processing the test under the 310nm LED light source.
*3:Processing the test under the 255nm LED light source.
*4:Temperature 23±2℃ and relative humidity 50% or less.
*5:Input the monochromatic light and measure the stray light ratio at ± 40nm.
The company reserves the right to change product specifications at any time without prior notice.

  • 地址:台北市松山區民權東路三段142號9樓903室
  • 電話:(02)2755-1976
  • 傳真:(02)2755-1971
  • E-mail:sales@gieoptics.com